Family Archive

Black Archives Sweden is now accepting submissions from the public to our ongoing project on family archives. The experiences and narratives of Afro-Swedes and Black people in Sweden* are often invisible or erased in official archives. With the project “Family Archive”, Black Archives Sweden seeks to exhibit the living history of Afro-Swedes and Black people in Sweden through an intimate/familial lens. The project’s primary goal is to show the value of our personal archives while presenting parts of the Black experience in Sweden.

We are looking for submissions from the personal archives of Afro-Swedes and Black people in Sweden.

Within the project “Family Archive”, you have the choice to either submit to “The Interview Series” or “The Family Photo Album”. “The Interview Series” consists of submission of visual material and questions to answer about your family archive. Whereas, “The Family Photo Album” consists solely of submission of photographs. Please select the submission that suits you best.

*Afro-Swede/Afro-Swedish: We always use the category “Afro-Swede”/”Afro-Swedish” with openness and inclusivity. We use the category in reference to Black people in Sweden, within or outside the boundaries of formal citizenship. We also include Black people living in Sweden who do not adhere to this description for various reasons.

We use the word “family” in a broad sense and refer to given and chosen families as well as other constructs.


The Interview Series

The living history of Afro-Swedes and Black people in Sweden through an intimate/familial lens.


The Family Photo Album

The living history of Afro-Swedes and Black people in Sweden through an intimate/familial lens.
